Knowing When to Blow the Whistle
The key to having a healthy gambling career and not losing your shirt each time you play the slots is in knowing when to stop. If you have a good win, common sense says that you should stop. Just put one more coin in to clear machine and walk away; you'll have money in your pocket to spend another day. The same is true on the other side of the coin. Set your self a limit and don't go beyond it. If your luck's not in, it's just not in. Accept it as part of the swings and roundabouts of gambling and walk away when you reach your limit. Don't go throwing good money after bad, and you'll live to fight another day when you luck will be better.
You sometimes get hooked on one particular slot machine and it just doesn't seem to want to play ball. It happens. Just walk away, put in down to experience and either try another slot (just as long as you haven't gone past the limit you set yourself), or leave it for another day when lady luck might be smiling again.
Getting to Know the Payout Schedules
If you're going to play the slots as a regular pastime, you need to get a bit of method in your madness, and learn the payout schedules. By doing this you can learn which machines represent a better risk in terms of paying out larger prizes. If you are not certain how to go about doing this, you can either ask some of the other regulars, or maybe even ask the slots manager.
Don't play on Credit
The best advice when you start playing the slots is to leave you credit where it is in your account and just stay within your bankroll. It's all part and parcel of what we talked about earlier; knowing when to stop. You'll find your money will go much further that way.
Milk Those Jackpots.
Most slot machines these days have jackpots that ramp up. In this situation, you need to make sure that you've got enough money to go as high as you can. Don't just take out the small amounts to be on the safe side. If you always do that you're never going to get on top. When you get into an escalating pot, stay with it a high as you dare. Faint hearts never win good pots. It is true that the higher paying slots cost more to play, but when you weigh that off against the bigger prize money, it makes it worth while; but you must give yourself a chance of winning the bigger pots. But this is also where it becomes important to understand that payout scheduled as we said before if you're going to give yourself the best chance to win big.
But like most things in life, it's experience that counts. It is the best teacher. So, stay with it, get as much experience in as you can, but remember to set your limits and play within them. Have fun, and good luck!
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