Thursday, July 16, 2009

Batman And His Background

By Andrew Tyalor

Batman is instantly recognizable today due to the length of time he has been around.

His past is based on an unsettling family background. He saw his parents being murdered at which time he decided he would dedicate his life to fighting crime. Not much later he developed his persona as Batman and kept his two identities separate.

Even as Bruce Wayne, our superhero emotes brooding and darkness. The films that capture the darker side of his nature are truer to the original character.

The later films we have been treated to are a complete contrast to the initial television series where batman was light and humorous. This would have been to appeal to youngsters but in order to attract film watchers, the character had to be much stronger and more in touch with the original character.

The whole concept of Batman is full of shadows. Gotham City (fittingly similar in name to 'Gothic City') is a place that is full of darkly styled buildings and myriads of unlit streets. Several of Batman's foes have a distinctively dark feel about them and The Joker (probably his most famous enemy) is so dark and ominous that he is downright scary. This was most apparent in the latest movie release, 'The Dark Knight' where he was played in such a frightening and realistic a way by the late Heath Ledger that there was even talk about whether or not the film was suitable viewing for children.

So, if the character of Batman were real then how would he fit into today's society? He would most definitely be a loner and most probably an outcast. Mixing and interacting with other people would prove to be difficult for him. Opening up to others about his inner turmoil surely wouldn't be easy for him. In my opinion he would more than likely be a diagnosed depressive.

We could easily have prozac dependent individual with a withdrawn personality. Rather than fighting crime he may in fact be a top criminal.

And so, after thinking it through we have a very different Batman from the one who is so widely known and loved. We are left with a disturbed and depressed individual who is drug dependent and unable to communicate with anyone. He could quite possibly be a dangerous repeat offender with his own ideas of right and wrong (maybe even having sociopathic tendencies). And, to top it all, because of his antisocial thoughts and behaviour he may have been awarded with an ASBO.

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