Saturday, September 12, 2009

Trout Fishing Bait That Works

By Bill Hefensen

Every fisherman has a favorite trout fishing bait. For most of us, this is simply the last bait we had luck with. Others have a favorite that they feel consistently catches big trout. If you don't have a favorite yet, then ask some veterans for a suggestion. Here is some good trout fishing bait to get you started.

Small minnows make fro great trout fishing bait. These little fish move well in the water and provide an exciting treat for most fish. This is a great choice early in the season when fish seem extra lazy. Sometimes all it takes is a little minnow to get those big lurking fish to come out and eat.

If you did any fishing as a kid then you are almost certainly familiar with night crawlers. Night crawlers have long been a favorite trout fishing bait. This is because worms work. They continue to wiggle around even after placed on the hook and this is irresistible to many fish. However, they can be difficult to cast far. They also have a tendency to fall off in fast moving water.

Another great trout fishing bait comes in the form of insect larvae. Larvae forms of insect are bountiful in lakes and streams. Whether you choose the stonefly nymph or the hellgrammite, you will catch fish. Hellgrammites are nice because like worms they move around a lot. As an added bonus, hellgrammites have a strong exoskeleton so they stay on your hook longer.

A Few Tips to Improve Your Odds

You might already know that fish can be scared away by loud sounds. This is why it is important to move around quietly once you find a good looking fishing whole. If you are quite and careful when you fish, it is possible to pull several fish from a single hole. If you are really good, you can catch them all with the same bit of trout fishing bait.

Another potential way to put the fish down, is to accidentally let them see you. This is a common mistake when fishing close to the shore or along a river. Do you know where your shadow is? If your shadow is moving over the water you plan to fish, then you probably wont' catch a thing, no matter the trout fishing bait you use. Remember fish are looking the direction they expect to see food. For rivers and streams, that is usually upstream.

Did you hook a sucker instead of a tasty trout? Many fishermen keep these fish, cut them up, and use them as trout fishing bait. This can be great if you are running low on bait or if your trout fishing bait isn't working.

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