Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Worst Xbox 360 Games

By Taylor Sanders

Let's face it; the Xbox 360 has been around for quite some time already and since it first appeared on the shelves, we've had the opportunity to play some fantastic games, many of which have left us with very fond memories. Of course it only stands to reason that we'd love to see the production companies producing a few more. On the other hand, we've also seen a few titles which leave a lot to be desired.

Let's face it, games are not cheap and when we have to fork out a lot of money for a game, we expect it to be good. At the very least, we don't expect the production companies to release a game simply because they feel their profits need to be boosted. What makes it worse, is that a game can still be good even if it has a poor story line. Even when the story is useless, providing there are some truly memorable characters, most of us will be happy.

Perhaps you had the misfortune of playing a game called "Two World's"? Fair enough, I suppose there were a handful of people who enjoyed it but I think it's safe to assume that the vast majority simply hated it. Not only were the graphics terrible, but the sound and control configuration were just as bad. In fact, there really was nothing good about it at all.

Another game - and it won't be a surprise if no one has heard of - is called Hour-of-Victory. The problem with this game is that it appeared on the shelves in stores a couple of years late. If you are looking for a great WW2 game, there is the Call-of-Duty franchise. The problem with HOV is the horrible sound and graphics. The level of design is awful and the artificial intelligence could have been trees instead. Let's not mention the bugs and glitches.

Vampire games are brilliant are they not? Maybe so, but that was certainly not the case with "Vampire Rain". As any gamer can attest to, a stealth game should prove to be a challenge as is the case with Splinter Cell. After all, fighting vampires should really be a challenge but if you can get past them by sneaking about, then it defeats the object of the game. It's hardly surprising then that Vampire Rain became an instant failure. What made it even worse was the fact that so many scenes had been cut, not to mention the game took forever to load. Even the sound and the graphics could only be described as being average at best.

Perhaps the biggest insult of all was a game called "Jumper" which was based on a movie. When programmers are expected to take a game which was originally intended for a cheap machine and tweak it so that it can be used on a new platform, then they need to be given some credit if they pull it off. However, that certainly wasn't the case with Jumper in that it used PS2 graphics from beginning to end. In fact it left many people wondering if it wasn't released with the intention of being an insult to the gaming community.

The games mentioned above are just the tip of the iceberg as far as bad games are concerned. As you may have already discovered yourself, it's incredibly easy to throw your money away on a bad game simply because by the time you realize it, it's too late.

For your own good, you need to do some research before you purchase a game, bearing in mind that there are some websites which offer good, honest and unbiased reviews. Perhaps the old adage should apply in that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

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